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Tag: Garage Door Repair Indianapolis

Reasons You May Need Emergency Garage Door Repair in Indianapolis

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Updated: October 2023


Your garage door is typically there when you need it. It’s not until it begins to malfunction that you realize how much you rely on it, whether it be for personal or business use. Many smaller repairs can wait until business hours, but what happens when your garage door stops working at night or on a holiday? How do you decide if it’s necessary to have it repaired immediately or wait for the next business day? In this blog we will discuss the reasons that you may want emergency garage door repair. Contact The Garage Door Doctor of Indianapolis! We offer 24/7 emergency garage door repair.

You Rely On Your Garage Door For Business

If you work at an auto body shop or car repair garage, you rely on your garage door working in order to conduct business. If your door breaks, you can’t sit around waiting until the next available repairman has time to come out, you need help now.

You have customers relying on you to repair their cars so that they can get back to their normal routine. A garage door breaking at a business that needs it in order to operate, should call a garage door company that offers emergency repair. Doing so will ensure they can get their business back up and running quickly.

You Require Climate Control in Your Garage

If your business requires climate control in your garage for any reason, you need your garage door fixed immediately. You don’t want to risk losing inventory because of a faulty garage door. The extra expense of calling an emergency garage door service will be minute compared to the amount of inventory that you could possibly lose.

Your Inventory is Stuck Outside

If you own or work at a store that has inventory delivered to a dock on the back of the building with a garage door, a broken door could be detrimental to the business. The delivery driver could be stuck outside waiting, or depending upon the situation, the inventory might just be left at the door. Whatever the case, your garage door needs to be fixed promptly. Calling an emergency garage door service is well justified.

You Get Stuck Outside Of Your House

Imagine it’s late at night, you just got home from work or a night out with friends, and your garage door won’t open. You don’t have your door keys because you have never had an issue with your garage door before, and there’s no open windows. What do you do? Call a 24/7 emergency garage door repair company. If this happens to you call The Garage Door Doctor in Indianapolis for a quick repair.

Your Garage is Stuck Open, Jeopardizing The Safety of Your Family or Business

We’ve been discussing problems that occur from your garage door being stuck shut, but garage doors can cease working when they’re open as well. When you can’t get your door to close you may be jeopardizing the safety of your family, your business, or exposing the property that is in your garage to theft. This is another time when emergency garage repair services should be utilized. You don’t want to risk anyone’s safety or possibly lose your personal or business property to theft because of a broken garage door.

If You Need 24/7 Emergency Garage Services in Indianapolis Call The Garage Door Doctor Today

If your garage door breaks at an inopportune time, outside of normal business hours, or while you’re trying to get work done for your business, be assured in knowing that you can give The Garage Door Doctor a call. Contact us anytime, day or night, weekend or holiday, and The Garage Door Doctor will be there to fix your garage door.

Also read more about how to best avoid needing emergency garage repair service!



Is It Time To Replace Your Garage Door Opener?

Your garage door opener is essential to the function of your entire garage door system. And while garage door openers tend to last a long time, like all machines, there will eventually come a time where they malfunction and require professional garage door opener repair or replacement. As a homeowner, it is important to know some of the warning signs that indicate your garage door is not operating properly so you can request the help of a professional garage door company for a replacement.

Before your garage door opener quits for good and leaves you with a garage door emergency, be on the lookout for the signs below that indicate the need for professional garage door replacement.

Loud or Unusual Noises

One of the tell-tale signs of a damaged garage door opener is when you start to notice loud or strange noises coming from it. The motors in garage door openers tend to get louder and produce a straining sound before they completely give out. Besides weird sounds coming from the motor, people with older systems often hear rattling chains when the garage door opens or closes. This is because older openers use noisy chain-drives. Consider replacing the unit with a newer belt-drive garage door opener.

If you start hearing your garage door opener make unusual noises as it opens or closes the door, it’s likely that it needs to be repaired or replaced. Even if you’ve noticed that it’s been louder than usual, you should have a professional garage door contractor take a look.

Works Intermittently

One common issue with older garage door openers is that they suddenly pause and change direction whether they are opening or closing. This problem might be with the photo eye sensor feature models installed after 1992 were equipped with. But, more often, reversing is due to an electronic malfunctioning within the actual opener. Replacing your garage door opener is almost always better than spending the time and money trying to fix an old, outdated machine. If you are experiencing intermittent operation, contact a garage door company to ensure a replacement is the best option.

Ineffective Security Features

Maintaining a secure garage door is important for all homeowners with garages, but if your garage offers direct access to your home, it is vital. Older garage door openers do not offer the same type of security features that are seen in today’s models. New garage door openers have features that will keep burglars and thieves out of your garage and your home.

An Older or Outdated Model

Even if your older garage door opener is operating properly and you are not worried about the issue of compromised security, it still is worth it to replace openers older than 10 to 15 years. New garage door opener models offer many more convenient features. If your current garage door opener doesn’t have all of the great features offered by modern models, it’s worth considering new garage door opener installation.

Need New Garage Door Opener Installation in Indianapolis?

If your garage door opener is experiencing any of the above signs, contact the professionals at Garage Door Doctor. In addition to offering quick garage door opener repairs, we can provide you with new garage door opener installation when the time comes to replace your existing system. To learn more, contact our garage door company today!

Helpful Tips to Prevent Winter Damages for Your Garage

Midwest winters are pretty unpredictable. It can seem to be warming up one day, then the next day we are hit with a blanket of snow. During the winter season, we take the extra precautions to rid our driveways, sidewalks, and vehicles of snow and ice, but what about our garage doors?

When the temperatures fall and the snow starts to fall, it can have an adverse effect on your garage door as its operation. At Garage Door Doctor, we have seen many cases where snow and ice lead to costly garage door repairs. Don’t let the winter conditions affect the convenience and operation of your garage door, follow the tips below to avoid garage door repairs.

How Does Snow and Ice Damage Garage Doors?

Protecting your garage from snow and ice is important, especially in Indiana, where winters are often cold and windy, as both can cause issues for your garage door system. Letting snow and ice accumulate around your garage, the following issues are more likely to happen.

  • Garage door tracks can bend and become misaligned
  • The weight of your garage door can shift and become imbalanced
  • Wooden garage doors absorb moisture
  • Rubber and vinyl may harden and crack
  • The garage door opener is forced to lift a heavier load

Tips to Avoid Winter Damages For Your Garage

There are some simple things you can do to help ensure that your garage is operating safely through the winter season. Consider trying the following this winter:

  • Avoid piling snow. Try to keep snow from piling up on your garage doors threshold. Too much snow piled up against your garage door can cause it to dent or have difficulty opening. Plus, the debris in snow can damage the integrity of your garage door threshold, which can mean a lapse in energy efficiency the risk of potential damage to the door.
  • Remove ice. Ice can cause a serious problem for a garage door. Ice often forms along the threshold of your garage door. When ice accumulates on the threshold, your garage door opener has to work extra hard to pull the door away from the ice. This can cause damage to your door or your opener, so clear away the ice first.
  • Clear before closing.  If your garage door has been opened long enough for snow or ice to develop along the threshold, clear it away before closing. If you close your door on snow and ice, the automatic reverse mechanism may kick in. Or worse, your garage door may close and be stuck.
  • Get a weather-resistant garage door. Weather-resistant garage doors can withstand the harsh winter conditions. These doors perform better over the long term and help homeowners avoid expensive repairs that come with cheaper alternatives.
  • Plow carefully. Make sure your plowing service knows to leave some space in front of your garage door. While plowing services are doing their best to do a good job, they aren’t always mindful about the fact that their work and their snow plows could damage your garage door.

Following the above tips will help you avoid garage door damage from ice and snow this winter. Keep in mind, when you need help repairing or maintaining your existing garage door, or choosing a new garage door that can withstand the harsh Midwest winters, contact Garage Door Doctor and our team of experienced technicians.

Common Reasons Why Your Garage Door Isn’t Working

Why isn’t your garage door opening and closing like it should?

You rely on your garage door opener for one thing: to let you in and out of your garage when you need to. And when it isn’t working like it should, it can be incredibly frustrating. Although this could indicate a serious problem, it might also be a sign of something small that you can easily fix yourself. Here are some of the most common reasons why your garage door isn’t opening and closing like it should:

#1. Something is in the sensor’s path.

As the largest moving piece of equipment inside your home, your garage door has a lot of potential for danger. Garage doors can exert a great deal of force, and it’s important that they will reverse their path if something, or someone, gets in it. In 1982, garage door manufacturers started adding automatic reversing mechanisms to every door, and in 1993, federal law began requiring that they also include photoelectric eyes that would reverse the door when anything entered into its path. When your garage door won’t close, the first thing you should do is make sure that the path of those sensors is clear.

#2. The photo eyes aren’t aligned properly.

In any garage door made after 1993, there are two photo eyes that are aligned on either side of the entrance. An invisible beam is transmitted between the two eyes, and when something gets in the track of that beam, it causes the garage door to reverse. Either of those two sensors could get knocked out of place, and if one sensor cannot connect with the other, it’s designed to act as if something is in its path, and your garage door won’t close.  The two sensors have to be lined up exactly in order to work correctly, so if one of yours becomes misaligned, you might need to use a laser level to correct the issue.

#3. The batteries in your transmitters might be dead.

Garage door transmitters, or remote openers, are battery powered, and like any batteries, they can die. When your garage door won’t open or close, changing the batteries in your transmitters might be a good place to start. But first, try all of the transmitters you have, including the one you have on the wall inside of your garage, as well any you have in your vehicles. If one of them doesn’t work, then it’s pretty clear that you should replace the batteries, but if they all don’t work, then you’ve probably got another kind of problem on your hands.

#4. The disconnect switch has been enabled.

When you try to open or close your garage door, does the motor run, like it always does, but the door doesn’t move? If so, check to make sure that the disconnect switch has not been enabled. Every garage door opener is equipped with a disconnect switch, and in most garages, you enable it by pulling a rope or turning a knob on the underside of your garage door opener. This switch makes it possible to manually open and close your garage door in the event of a power outage, but it can accidentally get unhooked, disconnecting the motor from the garage door. If you’ve found that your disconnect switch has been enabled, simply open your garage door completely and then reattach the hook.

#5. The springs are broken.

Garage doors utilize springs that make it possible for them to close slowly. Without these springs, garage doors would slam shut, making them a safety hazard to anything or anyone underneath. Garage door springs will usually last about 10,000 cycles, which is typically between three and five years. A garage door can last up to three times as long, so broken springs are a pretty common problem. If your garage door has slammed shut, then there’s a good chance you have a broken spring on your hands. Do not attempt to try to replace a garage door spring on your own. These springs hold enough pressure to support the entirety of your garage door’s weight, and they can cause serious injury, or even death, if they are handled improperly. Always call in a professional for broken garage door springs, and make sure that you avoid trying to open or close your garage door until the spring is fixed.

#8. The limit settings weren’t properly programmed.

Every garage door has its own limit range. This range is the distance your garage door has to travel in order to be fully closed. If the limit range settings are higher than they should be, when you close your garage door, it will hit the ground before it thinks it’s closed, and then reverse, assuming something is in its path that shouldn’t be. In most cases, this issue only ever arises with new garage doors, but over time, older models may need to be reset as well.

#9. The power source has become disrupted.

Your garage door opener has to be plugged into a working outlet in order to open and close your garage door. If it becomes unplugged, or if the circuit breaker gets tripped, your garage door won’t work. To make sure the outlet is working, try plugging something else into it. If it’s not working, then you already know what the problem is!

As you can see, in a lot of cases, you can tackle a garage door that won’t open or close on your own, but if a spring is broken, or none of these problems apply to your situation, don’t hesitate to give us a call! We offer garage door repair in Indianapolis and the surrounding areas. Contact us today for your free quote.